2013年8月17日 星期六

我喜歡這首歌以清脆及連綿的結他聲作開端,我對其中的一節歌詞有很大感受: 嘉年華會開始時,有小丑表演, 塗上彩妝的人,互相擁抱,希望高漲,在雲端回響. 歡樂過後,只剩下寂寞的告別聲. 人生都是一樣, 壯年時,充滿活力和希望, 但到晚年的時候, 就像嘉年華會終結一樣, 只餘落寞的告別聲! 這首歌又名 hourglass song. 人生好比沙漏,當沙漏完的時候,我們的一生亦畫上句號!
許冠傑曾唱過這首歌, 雖然唱得不錯, 但跟 Robby Banson 相比較,我覺得還差一點點! 大家認同嗎?
我喜歡這首歌以清脆及連綿的結他聲作開端,我對其中的一節歌詞有很大感受: 嘉年華會開始時,有小丑表演, 塗上彩妝的人,互相擁抱,希望高漲,在雲端回響. 歡樂過後,只剩下寂寞的告別聲. 人生都是一樣, 壯年時,充滿活力和希望, 但到晚年的時候, 就像嘉年華會終結一樣, 只餘落寞的告別聲! 這首歌又名 hourglass song. 人生好比沙漏,當沙漏完的時候,我們的一生亦畫上句號!
許冠傑曾唱過這首歌, 雖然唱得不錯, 但跟 Robby Banson 相比較,我覺得還差一點點! 大家認同嗎?


I have a blue balloon, a happy tune.
Long enough to last me all thro' the afternoon,
I have the " New York Times", fourteen dimes,
An explanation of the most profound nursery rhymes.

  * Before the rivers run dry, before the last sad goodbye
    Let's be kind to one another we can try.
    So don't just throw your love about it's not too late to find out
    Before the sand has all run out of the hourglass.

The carnival is here, the clowns appear
Plastic painted people hold each other near,
Hopes are always high they echo off the sky, when it's over
There's just the lonely sound of goodbye. *

Too late to hide it now, it's all around us now,
Oh, how I want you girl, to lie beside me now,
While there still is time, and all my poems still rhyme
Let me love you now, we can drink the good good wine.

Before the rivers run dry, before the last sad goodbye
Let's be kind to one another we can try.
So don't just throw your love about you and me,
Hey, let's find out
Before the sand has all run out of the hourglass.



可以 在機塲禁區比賽,有 一定 吸引力,故此我報了這個賽事。 抽簽結果,我榜上有名,起跑時間,上午十一時三十分。這個時間,令我感到詫異。一般賽事,起跑時間很少遲過十點,因為中午起跑,温度上升,會令 跑 手吃不消。 就算十一月份的天氣不算太熱,但接近中午,氣温或會上升至二...