2009年6月21日 星期日

Half-marathon at Manitoba Canada


Sunday's sweltering heat was a challenge for many Manitobans more used to the cold up until last week. Running mates Gail Brigham, 53 and Jill Naird, 50, train together for the half-marathon every year. During their last major training run in Gimli two weeks ago, they were bundled up in tuques and mittens. "Two weeks later and we're like 'oh my goodness,'"said Brigham."It was really hard for the Winnipeg runners, we didn't have much time to acclimatize." Officially, it was "white" hot before noon in Winnipeg, and marathon organizers started winding down the event. By 11 a.m., the temperature hit 30 C but felt even hotter with the humidex, said marathon executive director shirley Lumb. when the conditions reach the "white" level, organizers start closing the course, she said.

More runners ended up in the medical tent this year than in years past, said marathon medical director Dr. Edward Pilat. "We kind of expected that because of the weather and the inability to acclimatize," Pilat said.







  受傷後的右手康復進度緩慢,已經接近九十天了,仍然未能舉起。物理治療的效果並不顯注,仍是靠自己勤些練習。   日常用開右手的工作,現被廹改用左手。受傷後發覺,左右手各司其職,不是所有的動作都能夠互相取代。而須雙手互相配合才能完成的動作,倍加難度。   簡單如端碗...